Not sure what is going on with the colours below. This link goes to the source code
cls # function Invoke-TSPingSweep { <# .SYNOPSIS Scan IP-Addresses, Ports and HostNames .DESCRIPTION Scan for IP-Addresses, HostNames and open Ports in your Network. .PARAMETER StartAddress StartAddress Range .PARAMETER EndAddress EndAddress Range .PARAMETER ResolveHost Resolve HostName .PARAMETER ScanPort Perform a PortScan .PARAMETER Ports Ports That should be scanned, default values are: 21,22,23,53,69,71,80,98,110,139,111, 389,443,445,1080,1433,2001,2049,3001,3128,5222,6667,6868,7777,7878,8080,1521,3306,3389, 5801,5900,5555,5901 .PARAMETER TimeOut Time (in MilliSeconds) before TimeOut, Default set to 100 .EXAMPLE Invoke-TSPingSweep -StartAddress -EndAddress .EXAMPLE Invoke-TSPingSweep -StartAddress -EndAddress -ResolveHost .EXAMPLE Invoke-TSPingSweep -StartAddress -EndAddress -ResolveHost -ScanPort .EXAMPLE Invoke-TSPingSweep -StartAddress -EndAddress -ResolveHost -ScanPort -TimeOut 500 .EXAMPLE Invoke-TSPingSweep -StartAddress -EndAddress -ResolveHost -ScanPort -Port 80 .LINK .NOTES Goude 2012, TrueSec #> Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern("\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b")] [string]$StartAddress, [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidatePattern("\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b")] [string]$EndAddress, [switch]$ResolveHost, [switch]$ScanPort, [int[]]$Ports = @(21,22,23,25,53,69,80,110,123,139,389,443,445,636,901,902,1433,3260,3306,3389,4333,5800,5900,8080,9100), [int]$TimeOut = 100 ) Begin { $ping = New-Object System.Net.Networkinformation.Ping } Process { foreach($a in ($StartAddress.Split(".")[0]..$EndAddress.Split(".")[0])) { foreach($b in ($StartAddress.Split(".")[1]..$EndAddress.Split(".")[1])) { foreach($c in ($StartAddress.Split(".")[2]..$EndAddress.Split(".")[2])) { foreach($d in ($StartAddress.Split(".")[3]..$EndAddress.Split(".")[3])) { write-progress -activity PingSweep -status "$a.$b.$c.$d" -percentcomplete (($d/($EndAddress.Split(".")[3])) * 100) $pingStatus = $ping.Send("$a.$b.$c.$d",$TimeOut) if($pingStatus.Status -eq "Success") { if($ResolveHost) { write-progress -activity ResolveHost -status "$a.$b.$c.$d" -percentcomplete (($d/($EndAddress.Split(".")[3])) * 100) -Id 1 $getHostEntry = [Net.DNS]::BeginGetHostEntry($pingStatus.Address, $null, $null) } if($ScanPort) { $openPorts = @() for($i = 1; $i -le $ports.Count;$i++) { $port = $Ports[($i-1)] write-progress -activity PortScan -status "$a.$b.$c.$d" -percentcomplete (($i/($Ports.Count)) * 100) -Id 2 $client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $beginConnect = $client.BeginConnect($pingStatus.Address,$port,$null,$null) if($client.Connected) { $openPorts += $port } else { # Wait Start-Sleep -Milli $TimeOut if($client.Connected) { $openPorts += $port } } $client.Close() } } if($ResolveHost) { $hostName = ([Net.DNS]::EndGetHostEntry([IAsyncResult]$getHostEntry)).HostName } # Return Object New-Object PSObject -Property @{ IPAddress = "$a.$b.$c.$d"; HostName = $hostName; Ports = $openPorts } | Select-Object IPAddress, HostName, Ports } } } } } } End { } } # Variables don't change [int16] $x = 0 [int16] $y = 0 # varialbles change [string] $outputFile = "c:\temp\output.csv" [string] $startingIP = "192.x.y.z" $startingOctave = 1 # If the IP range starts at zero, change this to 0 $endingOctave = 254 # If you want to only go through half a range (why?), limit this upper value $rangeCheck = 5 # How many ips to check at the start of the range before the range is skipped [int16] $xStart = 168 [int16] $yStart = 20 [int16] $zStart = $startingOctave if (Test-Path $outputFile) { Remove-Item $outputFile -Force } for ($x = $xStart; $x -le $endingOctave; $x++) { for ($y = $yStart; $y -le $endingOctave; $y++) { #$ActiveMachinesAndPorts.Clear() $startIP = $startingIP.Replace("x",$x).Replace("y",$y).Replace("z",$startingOctave) $endIP = $startingIP.Replace("x",$x).Replace("y",$y).Replace("z","5") $endCheckIP = $startingIP.Replace("x",$x).Replace("y",$y).Replace("z",$rangeCheck) $startIP #Check the first 5 addresses for a ping reply $quickCheck = Invoke-TSPingSweep -startAddress $startIP -EndAddress $endCheckIP if ($quickCheck) { #If it finds one, check the numbered ports in the entire range $ActiveMachinesAndPorts = Invoke-TSPingSweep -startAddress $startIP -EndAddress $endIP -ScanPort #Turn the Object into a String $ActiveMachinesAndPorts.Ports = $ActiveMachinesAndPorts.Ports -join "," #Write the data to a CSV $ActiveMachinesAndPorts | Export-Csv $outputFile -Append } } } |